Precision Machined Parts
We are equipped to produce quick turn, short lead time products as well as production runs. We maintain good business relations with local process houses which allows us to have parts processed quickly and efficiently.

VIP Cabin Interiors
A one-stop shop for all your VIP Aircraft Cabin Interior needs. We offer a turn-key cabin interior that is ready to be installed the moment it is received. We are also able to break this process down to provide specific support on needed operations, including but not limited to, Machining Cabinet Kits, Cabinet Fabrication, Veneering, High-End Furniture Finish, Plumbing/Electrical integration, and Electrical Harness Fabrication.
Nationwide Manufacturers of VIP Aircraft Cabin Interiors and Complex Machined Parts
With the ability to ship products nationwide, JenJac’s would love to serve as a resource in your next project! With more than 40 years of experience in both VIP Custom Aircraft Interiors and Complex Machine Parts we offer a well-trained staff that is focused on getting the job done right!
We pride ourselves on our reputation of delivering quality products in a timely manner and would cherish an opportunity to prove our capabilities and our willingness to meet your needs.